Monday, March 10, 2008

Central Bible Chapel Ladies' Bible Conference & Tea

Ladies' Bible Conference and Tea
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Central Bible Chapel, Millbrook, Alabama
9:30 A.M. until 3:00 P.M.
featuring ministry on the practice of
Brunch and Luncheon/Tea will be provided.
Nursery and children's activities will be available.
R.S.V.P. Kathy Leach (334) 365-3374

Central Bible Chapel is hosting a Ladies' Bible Conference on Saturday, April 5, 2008 and invites area ladies to be there. It will be a one day conference featuring ministry and helpful how-tos on hospitality, and important practice for every Christian home and family. The speakers will be Christian women from around the Southeast who have practiced what they preach. Kem Schneider of Marietta, GA, and Vickie Gaynier of Millbrook, AL will be two of the speakers and will also serve on the panel, along with Shorty Bonner of Needham, AL for the Questions and Answer session.

Nursery and children's activities will be available, and accommodations will be provided for and who wish to stay overnight (Friday and/or Saturday). Please contact Kathy Leach at (334) 365-3374 or Tabitha Abele at (334) 414-9159 to make arrangements for accommodations or for directions.

The ladies of CBC would like to put together a hospitality cookbook/tip book of helpful hints to be given away at the conference and they want your input. Send any recipes, any questions to be answered, household hints for welcoming guests, stories about hospitality that are encouraging or amusing, hints for entertaining on a budget, what to do with children (yours or guests), or anything that makes being a hostess just a little bit easier (or more efficient) to Laura Bonner via email at