The Needham Bible Chapel invites you to join them for the 26th annual anniversary celebration on Saturday and Sunday, February 13 and 14, 2010. The conference speaker will be Bible teacher Randy Amos from Rochester, New York.
God has been so faithful to permit the chapel to promote Biblical New Testament doctrine and principles in the Needham community for over fifty-eight years. Come and celebrate His faithfulness.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
5:30pm - Evening meal
6:30pm - Congregational sing along & special music
7:30pm - Ministry: Randy Amos
Sunday, February 14, 2010
9:45am - Breaking of Bread
11:00am - Ministry: Randy Amos
NeedhamGospel Center & Bible Chapel
2497 New Hope Road
Needham, AL 36915
(251) 843-2034